
Our courses are specially designed introduction courses or special one-off classes that are progressive in the way they are taught. Courses need to be booked in advance and only run on the specified dates listed in each course. They are also charged differently than our drop in classes.

If you want more flexibility and be able to just drop-in then check out the 100+ classes per week on our Walk-In Timetable instead.

Introduction to Swing dance (Charleston) 4 Week Course

2024-06-03 20:00
Course Description:
Swing dancing is an energetic and joyful dance born from the blending of West African rhythms and American Jazz music. It can be danced partnered or solo. In this course we are focusing on partnered dancing.

This dance form focuses on self expression and communication. Just like Jazz music, this dance is improvised! It's a social dance, you don't need choreography to be able to find a connection with another person and the music.

In this introduction course, you will learn the foundational rhythms and grooves of Charleston plus how to lead and follow. With steps focusing on ‘kicks’ and an energetic uptempo dance. You’ll be able to improvise with your partner and take your skills to the social dance floor in no time.

Partner Roles
There are two roles in partner dancing - Leading and Following. Leaders will provide a frame for the dance, while Followers are free to fill in the gaps with their individual ideas.

Followers can even suggest some of their own unique ideas to the dance, allowing two-way communication between the dancers.

You might be used to leaders being guys and followers being girls. But even historically, both genders have danced both roles. Dancers today like to learn both sides of the dance. And we encourage students to learn both roles when they have the chance.

Partner Discount
Register with a friend that will do the opposite role in class and receive a 15% discount! Make sure you both register and let us know who your partner will be to use this offer.

Social Dance
Swing Dancing, at its heart, is a social dance. We will be rotating partners during class, so don't expect to spend your whole night with one person! And since this dance is a partner dance, you'll be having two amazing teachers who are experts in their roles leading the class. Allowing for more individual and specialised feedback.

Course Dates:20:00 - 21:00 Mondays 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th June 2024 (4 weeks)

Deadline for registrations: 2nd June 2024
Course Cost:$900 or PARTNER DISCOUNT - $760 if you sign up with an opposite role partner
To register either send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or register online here!

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